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Immediate Dentures

Complete Dentures

Full dentures, or complete dentures, are a removable device that can be used to replace missing teeth. The denture teeth are made out of porcelain or acrylic and held together by an acrylic base. Full dentures may be needed when you lose all of your teeth and they can help fill out your appearance again, and leaving you feeling more confident to smile.

Upper dentures tend to cover the roof of your mouth, while the lower denture is U-shaped to ensure there is enough room for your tongue. Both upper and lower dentures rest on the gum tissue, and suction helps to keep them in place. Denture adhesive can also help secure your dentures and stop any food particles from causing discomfort, which can happen if they become trapped under the denture. It may take a little time to get used to your dentures, but by talking to Dr Fleitas or Dr Guerra , they’ll be able to advise on what to expect and help put your mind at ease.

Eating and speaking with your dentures may be a little difficult at first but rest assured, with a little practice, you’ll be back to your normal self in no time. To help keep your dentures in good shape, try and stick to a thorough daily cleaning regime. Removing them at night (unless told otherwise) will give your gums a rest and storing them safely when not in use will help to maintain their appearance. Full dentures can have a positive outcome on your life, bringing the smile back to your face and helping you get back to feeling like yourself.

Smiling man

Partial Dentures

Flexible Partial Dentures

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Implant Supported Dentures

For patients looking for a better, more comfortable way to wear a lower denture, the implant supported overdenture establishes significant denture stability and retention by snapping the removable denture onto at least two dental implants. As a rule, it is not necessary to use more than two implants to achieve the desired result. In fact, utilizing more than that can create issues with ease of insertion and removal. An "implant attachment" on the top of the implant is used to create a snapping mechanism, which is strong enough to keep the denture in position during chewing. It also allows for a relatively easy removal of the denture for daily cleaning and maintenance.


The overdenture attachments keep the denture from pressing down too hard on the gum line, allowing an overdenture patient to bite on harder foods without the typical discomfort a traditional denture wearer experiences when biting down hard. Most implant overdenture patients report significant improvement the level of comfort and function that an overdenture provides versus traditional dentures.


Implant-supported overdentures can be less than ideal for a patient depending on treatment objectives. When the denture is still removeable and it sits on the gum line, functionality is not what one would expect from dental implant treatment. Compared to a typical denture, overdenture function is an improvement, but significantly less than the functionality of one’s natural teeth. Research indicates that a denture wearer’s function is only at 20% of full function. Overdentures can improve that percentage to 40 to 50% of normal biting force, but this still is well below what many people would expect from permanent tooth replacement using dental implants.

Implant Fixed Dentures

Team FG Family and implant dentistry
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Interior FG Family clinic

FG Family and Implant Dentistry is here to make you smile.